
"Short stories and travel reports from my life adventures around the globe".

Visit The Angkor Temples

Bayon Temple Angkor Siem Reap Province Cambodia

Bayon Temple: Visit The Angkor Temples.

Boy oh boy have I seen some temples during my world travels! Particularly through my extended wanderings across China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. But in terms of grandeur and scale, nothing compares to The Angkor Temples in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Sunrise Angkor Wat Siem Reap Cambodia

Angkor Wat: Visit The Angkor Temples.

The temples of Angkor are epic in proportion, intricate in detail and sublime in symmetry. These incredible structures are the result of Cambodia’s ancient rulers battling to outdo each other with each ambitious creation. If you’re new to the whole Asian temple thing, you could easily spend an entire week here ticking them all off.

Visit The Angkor Temples Cambodia.

Srah Srang Lake: Visit The Angkor Temples.

I’ve been lucky enough to chalk off a bunch of these amazing temples over two separate visits. My first experience came way back in 2015 when I concentrated on the so-called big 3, including a dramatic sunset arrival at Angkor Wat.

In early 2020 I dove deeper, exploring a number of lesser known ruins. This included an incredible trip out to the more isolated temple of Banteay Srei.

Angkor Temples Travel Guide.

Banteay Srei Temple: Visit The Angkor Temples.

To find out more, check out my series of travel reports from The Angkor Temples:

Angkor Wat

Banteay Kdei Temple

Banteay Srei Temple

Bayon Temple 

Preah Khan Temple

Ta Prohm Temple

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